ongo breathing text messaging

Engage and Monitor Patient Progress:

              • Anxiety
              • Post Surgery Recovery
              • Asthma Anxiety
              • Long Covid-19 Recovery
              • COPD
              • Cystic Fibrosis

Are you Tired of showing your patients how to use a Spirometer and they never use it?

You ask your patients to do breathing exercises everyday and they always tell you “sure, I will do them”. When they return for a follow up visit, you ask if they did the breathing exercises and they say “yes” and you do not see any signs of breathing improvement knowing well the patient never used the spirometer. This has been going on for decades.

How it Works

Ongo Breathe changes makes it fun for patients to do their breathing exercises by games connected to our internet enabled breathing exerciser. We save how often they are doing their breathing exercises so you can monitor their progress and discuss it with them at follow up visits. You now have data to talk about.

Some people do not like to play games, so that’s why we offer a text messaging service that reminds patients to do their breathing exercises and motivates them on days when they need a little nudge.

Why Ongo Health?

You may be facing challenges with remote patient monitoring, re-admissions, and getting patients to follow treatment plans and communicating it to you. Ongo Health’s games and social interactions make it fun for your patients so they start to value their own well-being and become more engaged in improving it.

Contact us to learn more…